Adding Prefixes

Adding Prefixes

In order to add Prefixes to your numbers, please follow the steps below:
Prefixes add a custom number/s that must be dialed before dialing a specific number and can be used for additional functionality.
Example: You can use this to split calls for specific countries with a singular number
NOTE: You will be able to see the Settings tab only if you have admin rights.
1. In order to add Prefixes, head to the Settings section:

2. Next navigate to the Phone Numbers section:

3. From the Phone Numbers section select any number you wish to apply a prefix to and click the number setting button on the right of it:

4. In the Settings window that will appear from that particular number, navigate to the Outgoing Route:

5. Next click on the "Add Rule" button:
Add Local Rule is for domestic calls. 

6. Finally select the countries you wish this Prefix to apply to as well which extensions should use it and specify what the Prefix should be, click Save to apply the changes:

Now in order for the extensions to dial out with this particular number and to the countries you have chosen, they will have to dial with the prefix before the number.
For example: 0012923742349 (001 before the number)

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