In order to Blacklist a number please follow the steps below:
NOTE: You will only be able to see the settings tab if you have admin rights.
1. In order to Blacklist a number click "Settings" to navigate to the settings page on the left hand side of the screen:
2. Click "Blacklist" to navigate to the Blacklist page:
3. Click "Add Number" to add a number to the blacklist:
4. Select the "Country code" of the number you're wishing to block as well as enter it without in the field on the right of it:
5. Click the "Description *" to enter a description of your choice:
6. Finally select the "Blacklist Type" and click "Save":
Outbound: Is for blacklisting the number only for Outbound calls
Inbound: Is for blacklisting the number only for Inbound calls
All: Is for blacklisting the number for both Outbound and Inbound calls
You can also export all Blacklisted numbers by clicking on the "Export to CSV" button as well as view a history of the removed numbers by click on the "Deleted" button:
You can also directly search for a particular number to see if it was already blacklisted by entering it in the "Search" field: