Settings - Queues

Settings - Queues

To create a queue please follow the steps below:
NOTE: You will be able to see the settings tab only if you have admin rights.
1. Click "Settings" to navigate to the settings page on the left hand side of the screen:
(You will be able to see the settings tab only if you have admin rights)

Click "Queue" to navigate to the queue tab:

Click "New Queue" to create a new queue:

Click the "Queue name *" field to name your queue:

Click the "Queue number *" to give a number to your queue:

Click the "Caller ID name Prefix" field to optionally prefix the CallerID name of callers to the queue:

Example: If you prefix with 'Support' a call from Johnny Darko would display as 'Support: Johnny Darko' on the extensions that ring.

Click "Calls Distributions" to choose how the calls are distributed in the queue:
To everybody: Will ring all available agents until one answers the incoming call.
Exactly as in queue: The incoming call will ring the agents in the order specified in the "Agents" tab.
Evenly: Will ring each agent as the list in the "Agents" tab specifies, one after each other.
Agent least recently called by queue: Rings the agent which was least recently called by this respective queue.
Ring agent with fewest calls: Rings the agent with fewest completed calls from this queue.
Random select Extension/Agent: Rings agents at random in no particular order from this queue.

Choose an option from the drop-down menu how to calls show be distributed:

Click "Maximum waiting time" to set up the maximum number of seconds a caller can wait in a queue before being pulled out of the queue:

10. Click here to set a time for the call before it is forwarded to the next user in the queue:

11. Click "Retry" to select the number of seconds before trying to call the extensions again. If it is set to No Retry then the call will exit the queue and go to the fail-over and activate the destination when no pickup (you can choose this destination below).

If you set the "Autofill" option to 'Yes' and multiple agents are available, the system will send one call to each waiting agent (depending on the ring strategy). Otherwise, it will hold all calls while it tries to find an agent for the top call in the queue making other calls wait:

Click 'Destination when no pickup' to choose what will happen with the call if no agent from the queue managed to pick up the call:

Click "Change music on hold for this queue" to choose a hold music for the queue:

Click 'Agents' to choose which users you would like to assign to this queue:

Simply, drag the agents to the next field to assign them to the queue:

Click 'Advanced' to set up the advanced options of the queue:

Click the "Max callers (0 = unlimited)" field to choose the maximum number of people that are able to wait in the queue:

Click "Agent Timeout Restart" option to set the timeout for an agent to answer a call is reset in a case if an agent declines or does not answers a call. The agent will get higher priority to answer the next call. If set to No, the agent will not receive higher priority if they do not answer a call:

Click "Wrap Up Time" to choose the seconds after a successful call needs to be held before sending a potentially free agent another call. This option is ideal for agents that need to leave long disposition statuses or have a lot of wrap up work after each case:

Choose the time from the drop-down menu:

Click "Skip Busy Agents" to choose if the calls will be distributed to busy agents or the system will automatically skip them:

Click "Auto-pause Unavailable" to set to 'Yes' or 'No' If set to Yes, any agent with Force Login=True (logged in the system) that missed a received call will be set to Pause Missed status. If set to 'No' this option will not apply:

Click "Auto-pause Reject" to set to 'Yes' or 'No' If set to Yes, any agent with Force Login=True (logged in the system) that missed a received call will be set to Pause Reject status. If set to 'No' this option will not apply:

Click the "Service level *" to set up your SLA:

Click "Announce position of caller in the queue" to allow the system to announce positions:

Click "Announce estimated hold time of caller in the queue":

Click "Callback" to configure a Callback option for your agents:

29. Click the "Max Client On Hold" field to choose how many people will be on hold and can get a call back:

Click the "Max Retry till customer answer" to set how many retries the system will do until the customer answers:

Click the "Periodic Announce Frequency" field to choose how often your agents will get notified for the call back. For example if your callbacks are a must and urgent, you can set the announcement to be with a shorter interval between them:

Click the "Max Queue hold time" field to set it if required:

Click the "Max User who can Opt In" field to select how many end-users can opt in for a call back. This sets the limit for call backs:

Click the "Max simultaneous Call Back" field to select how many simultaneous call backs can be performed:

Here you can choose a time when call backs are available. During this period of time you clients will be able to set call backs:

Here you can select the phone numbers that is going to be used for the call backs:

Select a phone number from the drop-down menu:

38. Finally click "Save" to save your queue settings:

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