

This article will provide you an overview of the Campaigns section and it's functionality::
The Campaigns are made up of lists that contain leads. Which you can then assign agents utilizing the Matrix's predictive dialer to call these leads.
You can have multiple leads and Campaigns, as well as agents can be assigned to multiple Campaigns.
1. Navigate to the campaigns tab by selecting "Campaigns":

 Use the "Search field" to locate a specific campaign in your list:

Filter campaigns as "Active" or "Inactive" using the designated field:

 Apply the filter by selecting "Active" or "Inactive":

 Refresh and update campaign information by clicking the 'Update' button:

 Copy basic information for all campaigns by clicking 'Copy':

 Generate an Excel report with basic information by clicking 'Excel':

 Generate a CSV report with basic information by clicking 'CSV':

 Generate a PDF report with basic information by clicking 'PDF':

 Print a report with basic information by clicking 'Print':

 Access various actions, such as edit, duplicate, delete, or stop a campaign, and logout an agent, by clicking the 'Action' button:

 Create a new campaign by clicking "Create":

 Choose a campaign name:

 Select how calls will be distributed among agents from the 'Agent Selecting' drop-down menu:

Click 'Dial Method' drop-down menu to configure your dialing method and speed. You have 3 options: Predictive - The Dialing speed will be multiplied by the available agents. Example Predictive: If you have 10 available agents and the Max Dial level is 2 (10 x 2 = 20 leads will be called simultaneously). Hard Predictive with limitations - The dial speed will be multiplied by the Max Dial Level, it will be controlled via the Maximum Drop Ratio % and it will be monitored by the system. If the Maximum Drop Ration % number is reached, the system automatically will lower the Max Dial Level to 1. Average Predictive with limitations - The dial speed will be multiplied by the Max Dial Level, it will be controlled via the Maximum Drop Ratio % and it will be monitored by the system. If the Maximum Drop Ration % number is reached, the system automatically will lower the Max Dial Level to an average that the system algorithm considers to be appropriate:

 Set up the dialing speed with 'Max Dial Level':

 Configure the maximum drop ratio percentage with 'Drop Ratio %':

 Choose how the Matrix will call leads from your Lists/CRM with 'Leads Ordering':

 Decide whether the third person invited to the call will see the 'caller id' or the 'campaign id' with 'Three Way Caller ID':

 Select a pre-created sales script for agents in the campaign with 'Sale Script':

 Create a new sales script by clicking the designated area:

22. Choose or create scripts from the 'Script' drop-down menu:

 Name your script by clicking 'Script Name':

24. Click 'Variable' to choose a variable to use in your script. The Variables let you automatically insert the lead details (phone, names ...) and automatically will be filled in with the lead info. Compose the body in the text editor. Use variables and the text format options to your heart's content:

Write the content of your script in the provided text area:

Click "Save changes" to save your new script:

 Activate the alternate dialing option by clicking here "Alt Dialing". When activated, the system will call the second mobile number of your leads if available:

 Choose which available lists will apply to this campaign by clicking "Active Lists":

 Activate the Auto List Reset option by clicking 'Auto List Reset':

 Choose variables for the system to check when resetting leads by clicking here:

 Select which group of agents has access to this campaign by clicking 'Group Access':

 Choose a group from the drop-down menu:

33. Select fields that agents can fill in during calls by clicking 'Fields' New fields can be created in the settings:

Select pre-created fields via the drop-down menu:

Here you can choose which disposition statuses will be available to your agents:

Choose pause statuses available to your agents by clicking 'Pause Statuses':

 Select a lead recycle rule to define how the system will recycle leads and return them to the buffer:

Click here to create a new lead recycle rule:

39. The Lead recycles rule operates on an 'if' and 'then' principle. The rule will look at the disposition status that the agent chose and the system status of the lead. If both of them are 'true' the system will call the lead up to 'X' attempts with the interval of 'X' Days/Hours/Minutes:

Click here to create multiple rules.

Click 'Call Times' to apply a rule to the time range the agents will be able to call a country or a state. The time is depending on the prefix of your call destination:

Click here to create a new rule:

You can choose for which countries the rule will apply:

Select the dates when the rule will be effective:

 Specify the time frame within which your agents can make calls:

46. Click 'Caller ID management' to choose which phone numbers will be used by the auto dialer. You will have two options: Classic - which will present with a few options such as 'Select all numbers', 'Random the numbers by country' or use a specific group of numbers that is configured via the settings. Custom - this option will give you a more customization when you are calling a specific state/region in a country:

Here you can see the Classic option. By selecting a tick you will choose a specific option or DID to be used for this campaign:

Click this drop-down to select a group of numbers:

If you select the 'Custom' option you will have the same options as classic with an additional tab - 'Caller ID Rules':

Click here to create a new Caller ID rule:

The Caller ID rules work on a 'If' and 'then' principle. Example: If your lead country code is USA and the lead area code is 'New Jersey' then the system will use your USA number and caller id code will be for New Jersey. NOTE: You can create as much rules as you require:

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