

This article will provide you an overview of the Lists section and it's functionality: 

1. Navigate to the lists tab by selecting "Lists" on the left-hand side:

 Search for a specific lead list using the "Search anything..." field:

 Apply filters for a specific campaign or list by clicking the "Filters by Lists or Campaigns" field:

 Create a new list by clicking 'Create':

 Provide a name for your list:

Choose the status of your list:

 Associate the list with a campaign by selecting from the drop-down menu:

 The chosen campaign will own the list, and a list can only be dialed on a single campaign at a time:

 Determine the rank of the list by clicking 'List Rank' influencing its priority in the campaign:

Click "Import" to import a list:

Click "Upload File" to upload the file:

Review useful tips for the list file:

Click "Next" to proceed to the next step:

Here you have to map the Squaretalk fields and link them to your file columns via the drop-down menus:

 After mapping, click "Next" to proceed to the next step:

In the third step 'Result' you can:

Choose the list for lead import.
Decide actions for duplicate leads.
Specify the country for the numbers.
Apply duplicate checking and choose the level.
Apply blacklist status to specific numbers.

Choose the list for lead import by clicking "Please Select":

Select from the drop-down menu the list:

 Decide how to handle duplicate leads: update existing entry, create a new entry, or ignore the new entry:

Specify the country for the numbers to be imported from the drop-down menu:

 Choose how duplicate checking will be performed: at list level or campaign level:

Here you can choose that the leads you are adding to be added to a blacklist:

Click this drop-down to choose either from campaign blacklist or system blacklist:

Click the action button to edit, export, reset, delete or list states:

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