This article will provide you an overview of the Calls report and it's functionality:
First navigate to the "Statistics and Reports" section from the left and click on "Calls" from the drop down menu:
From here you will be able to review statistical information for the calls made by your agents for a selected time period:
On the top you can select which columns to be shown in the table:
From the "Filters by" option you can filter for only calls with specific lead statuses (includes custom made ones):
You can also specify the period/time for the report as well manually search throughout the report:
You can also select which columns to be displayed from the top right as well export the report as a Excel, CSV and PDF file. Additionally have the option to directly copy and print it:
By clicking on the "Show Logs" under the action column next to a specific status you will be able to view all of the calls with that specific status:
In the logs section you will be able to see all the calls with that specific status and details and be able to review the call if there is a recording.
A recording will only be available if the agent has spoken and there was an actual conversation.
Click the "+" on the left of the date to expand a specific call.